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La Costa Social Farm 

The project at the Farm  Sociale la Costa has foreseen the construction of many marble elements, such as floors, stairs, fountains and sculptures of various kinds.

By respecting the customer's requests and taking advantage of our experience, we have been able to create interesting works destined to last over time, recalling classic and at the same time current styles and forms.

totem with logo
marble parapet
planter and parapet
outline of doors and windows
bow with engraving
bow with engraving
bow with engraving
bathroom covering
bathroom covering
bathroom covering


Gates to cardinal points

These doors placed at the four entrances to the vineyard at the respective cardinal points testify to an ancient method used for the orientation of planetary motion, as important in agriculture as in life; to have a reference in the nature that surrounds us.

The shape and positioning of these works remind us of an ancient system which consists in erecting monoliths which, despite the simple construction, carry with them a profound meaning.

East Gate  

This work has become the focal point of an annual ritual; the dawn of the spring equinox, while waiting for the sun to rise exactly in the east, friends meet to greet the arrival of spring.

Two ancient masks were also applied in which the hand can be inserted.

The one on the left free from negativity while the one on the right charged with positive energy.

East Gate
East Gate

North gate

North Gate

South gate

South Gate

West door

West Gate

Zanchetta Marmi s.r.l.
VAT number 02847060247 - Share capital: 15,000 i.v.
Via Trento 8, 36020 Pove del Grappa (VI) Italy
tel: +39 0424 80321
fax: +39 0424 554239

information pursuant to art. 1

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